Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has challenged US President Barack
Obama by asking his hand in marriage. His comment comes at the back of
the legalization of gay marriage in
the US by the Supreme Court.
During Mugabe's weekly radio interview with Zimbabwe’s national radio last Saturday, he said:
Source: awdnews.com
the US by the Supreme Court.
During Mugabe's weekly radio interview with Zimbabwe’s national radio last Saturday, he said:
“I’ve just concluded since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people and enjoys an attractive countenance thus if it becomes necessary , I shall travel to Washington, D.C. , get down on my knee and ask Obama’s hand. I can’t understand how these people dare to defy Christ’s explicit orders as our Lord prohibited mankind from sodomy.''
Mugabe said the American Government is run by pervert, Satan-worshipers who insult the Great American nation.
He reportedly added
"That the American tradition and heritage was based on lofty Christian principles, but to the detriment of this great nation, America’s corrupt political elite is acting according to their diabolic whims".
Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage, the first ever from a sitting
president, came amid growing pressure for the president to clarify his
previously muddled opinion, as two senior members of his administration
announced personal support for gay marriage and a day after voters in
North Carolina approved a state constitutional amendment defining
marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Source: awdnews.com
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